(0) | $0.00
Current Special

2021 Petit Verdot

12 Bottles


Only $399

See all Specials

Get it while it lasts

Our 2021 vintage was our last and our inventory is selling fast. When we sell out, we’re out. So purchase now to make sure to get your favorites while you still can.

Current Specials

2021 Petite Sirah 6 Bottles
$270.00 $240.00 / 6 750 ml bottles
2021 Petite Sirah 12 bottles
$540.00 $399.00 / 12 750 ml bottl4es


Thanks for your support! We will continue shipping club shipments as long as we have wine available to fulfill the orders.


Our last vintage was 2021. We will continue to offer our wines as long as we still have inventory, but it would be best to purchase your favorites now because when they run out, they will be gone forever.